Thursday, May 20, 2010

There is no place for a TV on my desk!

For the doctor who has been busy seeing patients, the computer screen may seem like something blocking his view of the patient. And nurses just dont have a desk in front of them much of the time. So what happens when the smart new IT guy comes and places not just a monitor on the desk but also asks him to use the keyboard and throw away the pen.The first thoughts are - where is the time to do all this? And what's in it for me and my patients?
While these questions seem unimportant when taking a 30000 foot high view which most prefer to take, look closely from a few feet away and it will be come apparent that answering these questions are the key to getting people to use the information systems and electronic health records. So the IT budget should include ways to win over the personnel by making sure they are able to use it comfortably, the information exchange well integrated into their workflow and most importantly use quantitative examples to convince sceptics of the usefulness of the systems to improve the lives of those using them and most importantly patients. In conclusion I would say, yes to the IT guys and the men in black who are carried away by the technology but request them to take the doctors with them on their trip through utopia. Published case studies provide us with interesting lessons on how to approach this issue.

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